viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018

Summer Vacations

I love summer vacations. It's my favourite time of the year.
I think that my favourite part is to be able to do whatever I want without much compromise with University. I mean, you don't have to study if you don't want to and you don't have to be in classes with hot temperatures. I think it's a perfect time. Also, the moon appears very late, so it's possible to do many plans in the same day. On next summer vacations, I'll go to Quito, Ecuador. My parents were transfered for work to that city, so I'll be their company in this important step. They will go for work and I'll go for vacations and, obviously, to help them at their new house. I don't know much about Quito, but I would like to go to Quito Old Town, ride the Teleferiqo Cable Car, stand at the Middle of the World and maybe do some daytrip to the Amazon. 

I'm very lazy, so I really want to change that to be able and motivated for a long time there. I mean, it's not that I suffer because of that, but sometimes I think that I lose so many fun things because of my laziness. Also, I would like to be the best company for my parents because we're going to be separated for about 3 years until they return to Chile. However, I want to chill and relax until I come back for my regular classes and 4th year of University :)

I hope I can write some things about Quito when I come back. For now, there's only dreams and hopes about this trip. Thank you for reading!

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English Language Challenges

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