viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

Post 4: A person I would like to meet

Just before I had to write about this topic I was talking with a friend about how much we want to meet some people that are dead now. We talked about how we would have liked to meet Aretha Franklin, Marthin Luther King, Lenin, Rosa Luxemburgo and many people that are not here anymore. So it was difficult to me to think about someone that I would like to meet today (so it can be possible to get in touch!), but when it came to my mind I clearly recognize the reasons that I have to know more about Silvio Rodriguez.

Silvio is from Cuba, he's a well known and left-leaning musician and songwriter. He writes about love, about the Cuban revolution, about memories and so many things. I really love his words.
He has released over than 20 albums!!!! The world knows him like a left-leaning poet and influential among Cuban revolutionary youth.
I've known Silvio for many years. I mean, not in real person but his music and his poetry. When I was younger I didn't really understand what he says and I didn't like very much the instrumental job that he exposes in his discography. However, when I came to University and I began to experience more things and to know more things about revolutionary processes in Latinamerica, his music turned out very meaningful to me. I admire his ability to write and play the guitar and also I admire his passion about the things that he sings. When I hear now about other musicians that became famous without (in my opinion) a real talent or a real reason to sing (besides love and blabla) I always think in Silvio Rodriguez and his song "Debo partirme en dos", that talks about how musicians has to be careful about their words in their songs and how they began to write about things that doesn't really matter or doesn't expose the reality that we need to know about. I went to one of his concerts about 2 weeks ago. It was my first time seeing him and I would definitely come back to his show.

This is one of a few persons that I would like to meet. I would like to talk about Chile, about Cuba and his experiences in life, in music and Guerrilla; also, talk about their motivations to write and play guitar. He's old so I hope that he can live many more years playing his songs and making people happy.

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

Post 3: My favorite movie

Everyday my mind can change its opinion about this topic, but for today, my favorite movie is a Chilean film: Machuca. This piece of art was created in 2004 by Andres Wood, a Chilean film director. It was protagonized by Ariel Mateluna, Matías Quer and Manuela Martelli. 

The movie shows the time-period of 1973 in Chile where the left-wing movement: Unidad Popular, was fighting the posibility to stay in government while the right-wing movement was ready for the military coup to steal the government of Allende, the president of UP. 
Ariel Mateluna is Pedro Machuca, the boy who gave the name to the movie. He's a poor Chilean boy with a single mom, who was sympathetic of the UP, and a drunk father that only cares about the money. He was a neighbor of Manuela Martelli's character: Silvana. Who is also a poor Chilean girl who lives off the sale of flags and cigarettes at the protests of the time. Both of them are sympathetic to the UP and they became friends with Matías Quer's character: Gonzalo Infante, an upper-middle class boy, when the school where he was studying (a private school) implements a social-integration project that allowed five poor boys to study in there. One of them was Pedro Machuca and there's when they became friends, in a particular kind of friendship.

The movie exposes socio-political arguments with a fun, deep and fictionary story but at the same time, the movie shows the real polarization of ideas at the time. I loved it because of the feelings that it made me feel and how the writers and producers interpretates the history. 
My favorite (and maybe least favorite part, too) is the final scene. If you haven't seen the movie, please skip this part!!! When the military groups take control of many places in Santiago, after the coup, Gonzalo Infante, who had fought with his friend Machuca, went to his house to fix things. When he arrived, he found all the violence characteristic of the military dictatorship and sees how they are attacking Machuca's Family and Silvana's Father. He obviously went into shock. There's when a soldier starts yelling at him asking why he's there, that he has to go to the trucks with the other detainees. Gonzalo freaks out and starts yelling back at the soldier: "Look at me! Look at me! Look at my clothes!" And that's when the soldier looks at him and lets him go. It's a very sad, clear and explanatory scene about the differences and violence of the time. 

Can you see now why I'm in love with the movie? It's such a good production. I wouldn't change ANYTHING about this film. Like I said before, it is a piece of art and everyone deserves to watch this. In schools, in universities and all over the world.

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

Post 1: A Country I would like to visit

The country I would like to visit is Cuba. I want to go there because I'm really into the history of the country and because I've heard that the landscapes are really amazing.
Cuba is a caribbean country located at the south of the U.S, west of Haiti and north of Jamaica.
They speak Spanish and the weather is very different from Chilean weather, summer is all over the place and the sun visits the island very often. I've also heard that people there are really kind no matter the circumstances and have a really special way to articulate the communities based on the revolutionary program. I really want to see it. 

I want to visit the big cities like Havana, Cienfuegos and Santiago de Cuba, and also meet all the people I can to share our life experiences and to know the real way of life there.
Because all of this I want to go on a studying program so I can meet new colegues of my career and to know how they are doing things there and how they see reality. Then, I can come back to Chile with a lot of new experiences to share and to use in my studies.

English Language Challenges

Well, it's our last post here and I'm very thankful about our work here in classes. I didn't have very high expectations, becaus...